xxxxWell it was bound to happen... ball joint broke off right smack dab in my parents driveway. Two days prior I hit a bad, really bad pot hole on a back road, and backing out of my parents driveway.... OFF CAME THE FRONT WHEEL. Just dangling there like a childs loose tooth..! Am VERY blessed this didn't happen on the highway. I went back to get a photo of the infamous pothole and it's been patched... whooptie doo...!
xxxx Over the past few years I've made some good business moves, some bad ones, some moves into areas that others had not yet been traveled and I found answers to problems sought. When ever I needed to haul something across town my whooptie wagon always started... always delivered. Many folks have told me, "I'd drive to Califorina in that car today... no sweat...!" Some stare at the old beat up wagon... but anyone who knows anthing about cars knows what a prize I have. xxxx Ladies and gentleman I make the announcement that the Whooptie Wagon (and all that tacky brown leather luggage on top) is going into retirement. Don't fret, it will make another appearance that's being saved for another day. The Whooptie doesn't just leave on a quiet note... the week prior to it's demise I was helping a new pal get thru some tough times I wouldn't wish on anyone. For 10 days straight I drove the 40 mile round trip daily with this wagon (my daily driver was having engine problems fyi) to visit my new friend and gave him the much needed encouragement and nurishment... I'm happy to report that my pal has started his way back to living a positive life. |